Synagogue Services

Services that warm up your soul.

Shabbat prayer services and classes

Friday Minchah Afternoon Services are followed by a short lecture and by lively Kabbalat Shabbat Evening Services. On Saturday mornings, we offer Shabbat morning classes and prayer services. The Rabbi’s Sermon addresses Jewish Perspectives on Contemporary Issues.


Friday Minchah Afternoon Services: Beginning at approximately 15 minutes before sunset or 7pm during the Summer.

Shabbat Morning classes: Beginning at 9:30 AM

Saturday morning prayer services: Beginning at 10:00 AM

Sunday Services

Start your week with Tefillin and Shacharit morning prayers.

It will make your whole week more spiritual and meaningful!


Sundays at 8:00 AM

For your convenience, all services include:

  • Talit & Tefillin, if you don’t have them;

  • Prayer books in Hebrew with Russian & English translation;

  • Coffee, tea & refreshments.

You can also sponsor a kiddush in honor of a loved one’s birthday, anniversary, graduation or Yartzeit (anniversary of death).