Bat-mitzvah Club

The Bat-mitzvah Club program serves to inspire and stimulate its members as they undergo profound physical, emotional, and intellectual changes. 

The club serves as a forum for discussion and discovery of the true meaning of Bat-mitzvah. It encourages the girls of 11-12 years old to learn more about this unique time in their lives and to gain new perspectives on their role as women, as adults and as Jews in the modern world.

Members enjoy a combination of learning and fun through monthly meetings, special programs, activities, projects and involvement in the Jewish community.

Your daughter will get to know her Jewish self through art, creative writing, friends, food, conversation and Community outreach. Give her the best gift of all: self-confidence and Jewish pride.

Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 PM, monthly.

Membership fee:
US$ 360 for the full year.

If you are looking for the Bat Mitzvah ceremony itself, we give many options for you to choose from. You can have the traditional Torah Reading by our Rabbi (where the father is called upon the Torah), a Challah Bake event or a candle lighting ceremony. Click here for more details about having a ceremony at our center and contact us to schedule yours.


About your daughter


About the parents

About the family

Emergency contact

Person to be contacted in case of an emergency when parents cannot be reached.