Mommy n’ me

Welcome! Join other Jewish parents and kids as we explore the child’s world through story, song, crafts and circle time.
Mommy n’ me is a series of innovative sessions that allow moms and tots to experience Jewish traditions in a stimulating, fun, and creative environment. It is designed to be a place where your child’s imagination can soar, providing the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.
For kids 0-5yo!
At Mommy n’ me, activities are interactive, allowing parents to be active participants in their child’s development. We believe learning occurs in babies and toddlers when they are presented with appropriate challenges and are free to explore their world.
We welcome all Jewish children regardless of background or affiliation.
For kids 6yo and older we have Jewish Kids Club the same days 1pm. Click here to find out more!
Location: 62 Sand Ln
Price: The price to attend the entire year (includes 9 sessions) is just $145!
Per session will be $20 per class
For more information, questions or comments don’t hesitate to contact us.
Dates: Sundays, 4:00-5:50pm
Sep. 29 Rosh Hashana Fair
Oct. 27 Mega Challah
Nov. 17 Israel Day
Dec. 15 Chanukah Special
Jan 12 Rugalach
Feb. 9 Tu B’Shvat
Mar. 9 Hamantashen
April 6 Special Pesach Program
June 8 Shabbos Island
PS: dates and themes may change we will notify you in advance.
Sundays one a month 4pm
0 month to 5yo