Tu B”Shvat Kids Spa
February 9th
1pm: 6yo above
4pm: 5yo and under
The new year for trees is approaching, and we are commemorating it with a rejuvenating and nature-filled Tu B’Shvat Kids Spa!
We will create natural soaps at the soap studio, make our own spiced olive oil, and engage in full-body meditation and breathwork at the health club.
Tu B’Shvat is a time to focus on fruits, trees, growth, nature, and the wonders of creation. Children will understand the importance of nurturing both their body and soul and how their good deeds resemble the fruits of a tree!
JKC members don’t need to register for the event!
$20 per child
Registration Required
This form is for the 4pm event, for Jewish Kids Club click here!